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发布日期:2019年12月24日    浏览次数:6616


First Solicitation of Planning and Design Proposals for the Construction of Chengdu's Featured Towns (Communities) and for the Conservation and Restoration of West Sichuan Linpan Rural Residence Complexes (Public Group)


[**]nnouncement on Solicitation



To completely implement the major decision-making and deployment of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China on the implementation of the Rural Revitalization Strategy and General Secretary Xi Jinping's important instructions on "taking the lead and being a role model for " Chengdu's rural revitalization, practice the new concept of integrated urban and rural development, make a steady headway in the conservation and restoration of West Sichuan Linpan rural residence complexes, respect the original idyllic scenery, authentic rural style and original historical texture, coordinate and innovate Chengdu's local cultural characteristics and resource endowments, and highlight the "international style" and "Tianfu taste,” the Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources and the Chengdu [**]gricultural and Rural Bureau (as Sponsors), and Chengdu Small Town Investment Co., Ltd. under Chengdu Xingcheng Group (as the Organizer), publicly solicit a series of excellent Design Proposals worldwide for West Sichuan Linpan rural residence complexes to broaden international vision, combine global wisdom, provide blueprint samples for creating West Sichuan Linpan rural residence complexes with composite functions, distinctive characteristics and unique charm, and contribute to build Chengdu into a beautiful and livable park city that fully reflects the new development concept.

1. 项目概况

1. Project Brief


1.1 Project Name: First Solicitation of Planning and Design Proposals for the Construction of Chengdu's Featured Towns (Communities) and for the Conservation and Restoration of West Sichuan Linpan Rural Residence Complexes (Public Group)


1.2 Location and project scope:

(1) 都江堰市金鸡村杨家院子林盘:项目位于聚源镇金鸡社区811组,本次项目设计范围约32亩,研究范围145亩,区域内共3293人。

(1) Yang Family Courtyard Linpan Rural Residence Complex in Jinji Village, Dujiangyan City: The project is situated in Groups 8 and 11, Jinji Community, Juyuan Town. Its design scope is about 32 mu, and its research scope is 145 mu, covering 32 households and 93 people in the area.

(2) 彭州市三圣鹭栖香楠林盘:项目位于桂花镇三圣村16组。本次项目设计范围约51亩,研究范围311亩,区域内约45141人。

(2) Sansheng Luqi Xiangnan Linpan Rural Residence Complex in Pengzhou City: The project is situated in Groups 1 and 6, Sansheng Village, Guihua Town. The design scope of the project is about 51 mu, and its research scope is 311 mu, covering 45 households and 141 people in the area.

(3) 崇州市卧龙滩林盘:项目位于观胜镇白鹤村13组。本次项目设计范围约56亩,研究范围132亩,区域内约45148人。

(3) Wolongtan Linpan Rural Residence Complex in Chongzhou City: The project is situated in Group 13, Baihe Village, Guansheng Town. The design scope of the project is about 56 mu, and its research scope is 132 mu, covering 45 households and 148 people in the area.

(4) 金堂县花熳天下林盘:项目位于竹篙镇常乐社区14组。本次项目设计范围约60亩,研究范围500亩,区域内32146人。

(4) Huamantianxia Linpan Rural Residence Complex in Jintang County: The project is situated in Group 14, Changle Community, Zhugao Town. Its designed scope is about 60 mu, and its research scope is 500 mu, covering 32 households and 146 people in the area.

(5) 新津县菜棚子林盘:项目位于兴义镇岷江社区。本次设计范围约30亩,研究范围约998亩,人口已全部搬迁。

(5) Caipengzi Linpan Rural Residence Complex in Xinjin County: The project is situated in Minjiang Community, Xingyi Town. Its design scope is about 30 mu, and its research scope is about 998 mu. The whole population has been relocated.

(6) 大邑县南岸美村林盘:项目位于安仁镇新华村。项目设计范围49亩,研究范围63亩,地处成都大美田园乡村振兴示范走廊的创意农业示范区“南岸美村”项目以北,人口已全部搬迁。

(6) Nan’anmeicun Rural Residence Complex in Dayi County: The project is situated in Xinhua Village, [**]nren Town. Its design scope is 49 mu, and the research scope is about 63 mu. It is situated to the north of the “Nan'anmeicun,” a creative agricultural demonstration area of Chengdu Damei Rural Revitalization Demonstration Corridor. The whole population has been relocated.


Note: 1 hectare = 15 mu.


1.3 The main content of research and design for the Solicitation


Inherit regional culture, improve industrial structure, and optimize the rural living environment. Focus on improving the industrial function of original rural residence complexes, implanting new industries, restoring the ecological environment, and  conserving, restoring and innovating local characteristic buildings or houses, to build "new Tianfu Linpan rural residence complexes" with "localization, modernization and specialization features.”


2. 征集方式:公开征集,本征集项目不限定应征人的数量。

2. Solicitation Method: Open Solicitation. This solicitation project does not limit the number of participants.

3. 征集日程(以下时间均为北京时间):




















2020410日至5月 15


说明:2020410日至5月 15期间,每个工作日9:00-11:3014:00-16:00

3. Solicitation Schedule (Beijing Time):



December 27, 2019

[**]nnouncement on Solicitation

From December 27, 2019 till 17:00 on March 7, 2020

Obtain Solicitation Documents

From March 9, 2020 till 16:00 on March 13, 2020

Participants shall submit Responsive Documents.

Notes: 9:00-11:30 and 13:30-16:00 on March 9-13, 2020

16:00 on March 13, 2020

Deadline for solicitation / Deadline for submission of Responsive Documents

From March 16, 2020 till March 20, 2020

Evaluation of Design Proposals

From March 25, 2020 till March 30, 2020

The winning Design Proposals will be announced on the websites of the Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources and the Chengdu [**]gricultural and Rural Bureau.

[**]pril 8, 2020

Publish solicitation results

From [**]pril 10, 2020 till May 15, 2020

Prize granting / reception

Note: 9:00-11:30 and 14:00-16:00 on each working day from [**]pril 10, 2020 to May 15, 2020.


In case of any change to the above schedule, the Sponsors will issue a notice of change on the website of Beijing Science Park [**]uction & Tender Co., Ltd. Please keep an eye on the website for the latest information about the solicitation project during the solicitation period.


4. Sponsors, Organizer and Solicitation Organization


Sponsors: Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources and Chengdu [**]gricultural and Rural Bureau


Organizer: Chengdu Small Town Investment Co., Ltd. under Chengdu Xingcheng Group


Technical Support Unit: Chengdu Planning Research Institute


Organizer of Solicitation: Beijing Science Park [**]uction & Tender Co., Ltd.

5. 征集联系

5. Contact for Solicitors


Organizer of Solicitation: Beijing Science Park [**]uction & Tender Co., Ltd.


[**]ddress: Building No. 6, Guangdaxiyuan, Wanliu, Wanquanzhuang, Haidian District, Beijing


Post Code: 100089


[**]ttention: Xu Xinghua, Shao Huibo, Hao Jing, and Xing Yali


Tel.: 86-10-82575131-256/812, 13121105597


Fax: 86-10-82575840

征集指定邮箱:[email protected]

Designated email address for solicitation: [email protected]

6. 应征人资格

6. Eligibility and Qualifications of Participants


6.1 Legal entities, social groups and natural persons with the ability to independently assume civil liability.


6.2 Consortium as a participant


Legal entities, social groups and natural persons may voluntarily form design teams for a joint participation (hereinafter referred to as “joint design teams”) to participate in the solicitation.


6.2.1 Partners of joint design teams shall sign a joint participation statement to participate in the solicitation.


6.2.2 [**]ny partner of joint design teams shall neither individually participate in the solicitation in its own name, nor concurrently participate as a partner of another design team of the project.

6.3 主办单位正在开展首届成都市特色镇(街区)建设和川西林盘保护修复规划设计方案征集(专业组),获得上述项目应征人资格的规划设计机构及设计团队参与人员不得再参与本征集活动。

6.3 The Sponsors are organizing the First Solicitation of Planning and Design Proposals for the Construction of Chengdu's Featured Towns (Communities) and for the Conservation and Restoration of West Sichuan Linpan Rural Residence Complexes (Professional Group). Participants in a planning and design entity or design team for the above project are not allowed to participate in this solicitation individually.


7. Participation Procedure


Those who intend to participate in this solicitation, please log in to the website of Beijing Science Park [**]uction & Tender Co., Ltd. to download the Solicitation Documents for the First Solicitation of Planning and Design Proposals for the Construction of Chengdu's Featured Towns (Communities) and for the Conservation and Restoration of West Sichuan Linpan Rural Residence Complexes (Public Group) (hereinafter referred to as "the solicitation documents"). Participants can submit Design Proposals for one or more Linpan rural residence complexes. If you decide to participate in the solicitation, please fill in the solicitation intention form and send it to the designated email address or submit it to the Organizer of Solicitation to obtain the download code of the drawings.

8. 征集文件的澄清

8. Clarifications to the Solicitation Documents


[**]ny participant who seeks clarification of the solicitation documents, please email the questions to be clarified to the e-mail address designated for this solicitation, and notify the Organizer of Solicitation to confirm whether they have been received. The Sponsors will reply in writing as appropriate. The above reply will not indicate the source of the questions, and its content will be published on the website of Beijing Science Park [**]uction & Tender Co., Ltd. in the form of clarifications, supplements and amendments to the solicitation documents. Please keep an eye on the website at any time to get the latest information on the project. Clarifications, supplements and amendments to the solicitation documents issued by the Sponsors shall have the same effect as the original solicitation documents. In case of any inconsistency, most recently dated documents shall be favored.

9. 应征文件的递交

9. Submission of Responsive Documents


9.1 Submission method


The Responsive Documents shall be submitted on-site or by post service within the deadline. The Sponsors will not accept submission methods other than those mentioned above. The Responsive Documents delivered after the deadline will not be accepted by the Sponsors. [**]ny damage or loss of Responsive Documents during mailing shall be borne by the participants, and the Sponsors  shall not bear any liability thereof.


9.2 Receiving unit and recipient


Receiving unit: Shudu Notary Public Office of Chengdu, Sichuan Province


[**]ddress: 2F, No. 93, Dongchenggen Top Street, Qingyang District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province


Post Code: 610000


Recipient: Xing Ying


Tel.: 028-86602169, 13880287300  


[**]ll submitted Design Proposals are non-returnable. Participants shall keep their originals.


9.3 Sealing and identification of Responsive Documents


Participants may seal and pack the Responsive Documents of one Linpan rural residence complex separately, or seal and package those of more Linpan rural residence complexes together. For the Responsive Documents submitted by participants, their outermost package (such as the mail’s outer package) shall be clearly marked with the words "First Solicitation of Planning and Design Proposals for the Construction of Chengdu's Featured Towns (Communities) and for the Conservation and Restoration of West Sichuan Linpan Rural Residence Complexes (Public Group)," and the participant's name, address, contact information among others.

10. 奖项与奖金

10. [**]wards and Prize


10.1 [**]wards


The following awards are prepared for this solicitation: a first prize for each Linpan Rural Residence complex, with an amount of 100,000 yuan (including tax); a second prize for each Linpan Rural Residence complex, with an amount of 20,000 yuan (including tax).


10.2 Prize award and reception


[**]wards, winners, payment methods among others will be mentioned in the announcement of the solicitation results.

10.2.1 奖金的支付

10.2.1 Prize Money Payment


Prize money for participants will be paid in RMB.


10.2.2 If the winner is a legal entity within China (including design firms and social groups), a special V[**]T invoice shall be issued to receive the prize; if the winner is an overseas legal entity that has neither a permanent institution nor an account within China to accept RMB, a domestic payee within China may be authorized to handle payment matters in full powers and may be entrusted to withhold/pay various taxes within China.

10.2.3 获奖者如为个人,须提供本人有效身份证件及收款账户信息,承办单位代扣个人所得税后发放剩余奖金金额。

10.2.3 If the winner is an individual, he/she shall provide his/her valid ID card and beneficiary bank account information, and the Organizer shall grant the remaining prize amount after withholding the personal income tax.

10.2.4 承办单位不承担由于奖金所产生的任何税费。

10.2.4 The Organizer do not bear any taxes arising from the payment of such prize money.


10.2.5 When the prize award and reception are over, and if the prize money is not paid or received within the specified deadline time limit due to some mentioned by the winner, he will be deemed to have forfeited the right to the prize money.

11. 征集公告及征集结果发布媒体

11. Media Releasing [**]nnouncement on Solicitation and Results


The announcement on solicitation is published on the following websites concurrently. The amendments and supplements to the announcement as well as the solicitation results shall be subject to the contents released via the following websites:


http://www.cebpubservice.com (website of China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform)


http://www.ccgp.gov.cn (website of Chinese government procurement)


http://mpnr.chengdu.gov.cnwebsite of Chengdu Municipal Bureau of Planning and Natural Resources)


http://cdagri.chengdu.gov.cnwebsite of Chengdu [**]gricultural and Rural Bureau)


http://www.cdaup.comwebsite of Chengdu [**]ssociation of Urban Planning)


http://www.cdxctz.comwebsite of Chengdu Xingcheng Investment Group Co., Ltd.)


website of Chengdu Small Town Investment Co., Ltd. under Chengdu Xingcheng Group)


http://www.bkpmzb.com (website of Beijing Science Park [**]uction & Tender Co., Ltd.)


12. 语言

12. Languages


The languages used in this solicitation announcement shall be Chinese and English. In the event of any discrepancy, Chinese shall be favored.

13. 公证监督

13. Notary supervision


For the solicitation, the Shudu Notary Public Office of Chengdu, Sichuan Province will be hired to notarize the following matters in the solicitation organization activities.

(1) 应征文件递交的时效性,即应征文件是否在规定的递交截止时间之前递交;

(1) Timeliness of Responsive Documents submission, that is, whether Responsive Documents are submitted before the prescribed deadline for submission;

(2) 收到的应征文件的数量;

(2) The number of Responsive Documents received;

(3) 获奖应征设计方案的评选结果及获奖名单。

(3) Results of evaluation for the Design Proposals and the list of winners.

14. 其它条款

14. Miscellaneous


14.1 The solicitation activity, including the solicitation per se and any documents relating thereto, shall be governed by the laws and regulations of the People’s Republic of China. [**]ny dispute arising from this solicitation shall be submitted to the competent people's court in the area where the Sponsors are based.


14.2 The final right of interpretation of the solicitation and related documents is held by the Sponsors.


[**]ll participants in the First Solicitation of Planning and Design Proposals for the Construction of Chengdu's Featured Towns (Communities) and for the Conservation and Restoration of West Sichuan Linpan Rural Residence Complexes (Public Group) are deemed to have agreed upon and accepted the relevant regulations and requirements for this solicitation.